Kids being mean to each other is like death and taxes, right? It’s inevitable. I got relentlessly teased in third grade because my legs were skinny. How…clever. Good one third grade meanies! I miss my skinny legs but I don’t miss the teasing. My next post will focus on what to do if your child […]
Tantrums are HARD. Try this.
I know your kid is pretty great overall. Kids usually are! However, I also know that your kiddo has the ability to make or break your day. Let’s talk about tantrums. Why are tantrums hard? For about a million reasons but I believe what it truly comes down to is the loss of control. We […]
Potty Training is HARD. Try this.
When I was deciding what to write about for my first new and improved blog, I did a little research into what people were asking about. Surprise! Potty training is trending. Why not-let’s get our poop in a group and get to it. Why is potty training hard? Quite frankly, because it’s massively important to […]
How Changing Direction is a Must! Join me!
Thank you to anyone and everyone who has somehow stumbled across this blog- before now or for the first time! Getting into blog writing was super new for me. I love to write but haven’t done it for fun since before college when it became… less fun. I don’t know if you know this but […]
How 2019 is the Year to (Finally!) Try Therapy
Happy New Year!!! I’m glad you’re here and I hope you and your family had an amazing holiday. It goes by so fast and coming into January can be like coming out of a fog back into the real world. If you ate too many desserts, spent too much on presents, got into a too-heated […]
How to be Grateful All Year Long
At first I thought it would be nearly impossible to write about being grateful when it seems like we are reminded daily of the oppression, cruelty, and terror of the world, especially recently. There are no words I can write that will lessen or heal the pain of those directly and indirectly impacted by the […]
How the Santa “Lie” is Alright With Me
Nothing beats this time of year amIright? I was walking my dog through the neighborhood yesterday and people were out stringing up their lights, talking to their neighbors, literally calling out to one another, and just loving life. Like a Hallmark movie but real. I couldn’t help it, I smiled back, chatted with folks who […]
How Halloween Can Change Your Life
Let the overspending on pumpkin spice lattes begin-fall is here! Fall means lots of things to lots of people-back to school, football all weekend, getting to wear sweaters, and most importantly….. Halloween! When we think about Halloween, trick or treating is the star of the show (and for good reason). But what about the transformation that occurs to make it all possible? We can’t just go trick or treating in our boring regular clothes, that would be…. well, boring. It’s the one night of the year we get to be WHATEVER WE WANT and are given candy for it. That’s pretty amazing. So since there are still 29 days left before the big night, what will you be? What about your kids?